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Personal Information Protection Policy

We recognize it as a social responsibility to protect all Personal Information (including "Specific Personal Information") that we handle in the course of our running mobile telecommunication related businesses such as renting and selling the devices as well as communication traffic and digital content businesses. We comply with laws and regulations in terms of Personal Information Protection and other relevant codes and standards. Additionally, in order to accomplish issues described below, we structure Personal Information Protection Management System and continue to make endeavors to improve the system by paying close attentions to the latest trends in IT technology, increase in social demands and expectations, changes in the business environment and so forth.

  1. We acquire and use Personal Information only within the necessities of proper business execution and employee managements. We do not acquire or use Personal Information beyond the clearly specified purposes of use.
  2. We are committed to being in full compliance with Personal Information Protection laws and regulations, governmental guidelines, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other codes and standards.
  3. In order to assure the accuracy and security of Personal Information, We put in place measures such as information security to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information, lost, destroyed, falsified, or divulged Personal Information from taking place. In case these incidents take place, the causes of the incidents shall be identified and corrective actions as well as preventive measures shall be immediately taken.
  4. We promptly respond in good faith to complaints and consultations with regard to our way of handling Personal Information. In accordance with laws and regulations, we accept requests from customers, the owners of their own Personal Information, for the disclosure of the Personal Information related matters (including the purpose of use, the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of the information or the termination of use or provision of the information).
  5. In accordance with changes in laws and regulations, we revisit Personal Information Protection Management System in a timely and proper manner and continue to improve the system.
  6. We may change this policy without prior notice to the owners of Personal Information. When changes are made, all changes will be described and recorded at the bottom of this Personal Information Protection Policy. In an event critical changes are made in this policy, we will announce the changes on our website clearly with no delay.

Contact Details for complaints, consultations, and requests for disclosure, etc.

Telecom Square, Inc.
Personal Information Service Desk
Address: 8-1 Sanbancho, Sanbancho Tokyu Building 7F,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0075, Japan
E-mail : privacy@telecomsquare.co.jp
Tel: 03-3239-3278 Business hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00

Enacted: April 1, 2005
Last revised: April 25, 2023
Telecom Square, Inc.
Yuji Yoshitake
Representative Director and President

Our way of handling Personal Information

Personal Information such as the name and address of customers and attribute information of theirs including their location data we acquire in the course of our running mobile telecommunication related businesses such as renting and selling the devices as well as communication traffic and Digital Media businesses shall be handled, in accordance with Telecom Square Inc.'s Personal Information Protection Policy, specifically in ways as follows.

Acquisition of Personal Information and purpose of use of Personal Information

We acquire Personal Information properly from our customers upon their consents and use the information for purposes described below. In case a customer is nonage, we assume that the customer's parents or persons in parental authority give consent on the customer's behalf. (Nonage in Japan is those under 18 years old and the definition of nonage varies among countries.)
We define a duration in which Personal Information remains with us in accordance with necessities for achieving the purpose of use and we will dispose the information once the duration expires.
The Scopes of Purposes
Mobile Telecommunication Businesses (device rental and communication traffic sales)

  1. In these businesses we acquire from our customers information as follows for the purpose of offering services and functionalities as follows.
    1. We acquire from our customers
      • -Cookie information
    2. Customers provide us with
      • -Email address
      • -Full name
      • -Phone number
      • -Home address and other information we request by way of designated customer information formats
    3. Purposes of use
      • -To provide mobile telecommunication device rental service, sell communication traffics and offer other related services
      • -To offer digital content services
      • -To sell other goods
      • -To implement PRs, advertising and marketing activities focused on specific interests and preferences as well as general marketing activities
      • -To get integrated with external services
      • -To implement marketing surveys and analyze outcomes from the surveys
      • -To analyze the utilization of our services and the effectiveness of our business tactics aiming at planning new services, improving the quality of services, enhancing the level of customer services and so forth
      • -To respond to inputs, inquiries and requests from customers
      • -To prevent the abuses of services, fraudulent contracts and dishonest payments as well as to investigate the issues
      • -To introduce by way of Email or postal mail seminars, exhibitions, promotion events that we host, co-host or support
      • -To introduce by way of Email or postal mail services or products that we and our affiliated companies
  2. Human Resources Management
    For the purpose of exercising human resources management and dissemination of our corporate information, administration with regard to recruiting, employment, employee benefits and so forth, we acquire Personal Information and manage them properly.
  3. Subcontracting
    In order to practice subcontracted works, we get necessary information provided and manage them properly.

Our use of a third party's service

In the course of service provision of "WiFiBOX", one of our renal services, we handle and deal with personal data by way of "Shopify", a foreign e-commerce platform, for the purpose of sales as well as customer management.
Countries listed below fall in an issue, "the provision of personal data for a third party in foreign countries.

  • Canada
  • The United States of America
  • Singapore

With regards to related laws and regulations in the countries, please refer to https://www.ppc.go.jp/personalinfo/legal/kaiseihogohou/#gaikoku.
Also, you can review the third party's policies and measures to protect personal information by way of their privacy policy in the website https://www.shopify.com/jp/legal/privacy.

Our Cookie Policy

We may use cookies and tracking technologies when we attempt to acquire customers' information. Additionally our websites, online services, smartphone apps, Emails and advertisements may use cookies and tracking technologies.

Cookies work to enable devices accessing websites to save information the websites designate such as Identification information of browsers used for access, IP addresses, page views and so forth. We acquire such information in order to manage our websites so as for our customers to use the websites, apps' pages and servers under more convenient setup for further visits. We also use them to distribute more relevant advertising contents and to analyze interests and concerns of customers for enhancing websites and services. (We use “Google Analytics” for the analyses.)

Customers can refuse our using cookies to them. In the case, customers shall be persuaded that we may not be able to provide the most favorable setup of websites for the customers and that the customers may not be able to use all services we offer. Customers make inquiries to their browser providers for changing the setup.

Our managing security

  1. Appointing a person in charge of Personal Information Protection and Structuring Personal Information Protection System
    -We appoint a person in charge of Personal Information Protection and secure a structure where facts or indications violating Personal Information Protection Act should be reported to the person in charge.
  2. Trainings and educations
    -We constantly train and educate our employees what Personal Information Protection is all about.
  3. Website security
    -Our websites are equipped with SSL so that customers can put their Personal Information with no worries about the security of the information. Information provided by a customer for our website is encrypted and sent to servers. This blocks any access from outside of the information contents in the course of the information is transferred. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a function to encrypt data to be transferred being secured.

Personal Information handled by a third party

We will not disclose or provide Personal Information to a third party without a prior consent from a user unless we are requested by Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws or regulations. Nonetheless, cases as follows are exceptions.

  1. When we get subcontracted to a third party the scope of works to procure goods and to do the tasks of our service base.
  2. When we are merged with or taken over by another company
  3. When the government, local governments or a person entrusted by the governments need to carry out legitimate tasks and it may undermine their performance to obtain a consent from a user.
  4. Any other cases that Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws and regulations exempt.

Inquiries by telephone

We may record conversations with customers or users on a phone for the purpose of enhancing customer service quality and of revisiting the conversation later on.

Use of statistically processed data

We may create statistical data from personal information we acquire and no individual can be identified from the data. We can use such data from which no individual can be identified with no restrictions.

Personal Information subject to disclosure

  1. Company name
    Telecom Square, Inc.
  2. A Person in charge of Personal Information Protection
    Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
  3. Purpose of use of “Personal Information subject to disclosure”
    Purposes of using “Personal Information subject to disclosure” we have are described in “Acquisition of Personal Information and purpose of use of Personal Information”.
  4. Contact details for complaints over our way of handling of “Personal Information subject to disclosure”
    Telecom Square, Inc.
    “Personal Information Service Desk”
    Address: 8-1 Sanbancho, Sanbancho Tokyu Building 7F,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0075, Japan
    E-mail : privacy@telecomsquare.co.jp
    Tel: 03-3239-3278 Business hours: Mon-Fr 10:00-16:00

    Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization
    We are certified by Japan Data Communications Association ( JADAC), an authorized organization with respect to personal information. Inputs, requests, or complaints over our way of handling Personal Information can be submitted to this organization instead. The contact details are as follows.

    JADAC Information Desk
    Center for the Protection of Personal Information in Telecommunications
    Hourai-Sugamo Building., 2-11-1 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo (A unit of Japan Data Communications Association)
    Business hours: Mon - Fri 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:00 (Closed on weekends, national holidays, and New Year holidays)

  5. Requests for disclosure, revision, addition, deletion, suspension, elimination etc. (hereinafter “disclosure”), of “Personal Information subject to disclosure”
    We will respond properly in case we receive requests from customers asking disclosure of their “Personal Information subject to disclosure”. Disclosure requests should be made as follows.
    1. Documents required for disclosure requests
      In order to make a disclosure request, please download prescribed application forms below. Please mail or hand-deliver the forms to us together with the necessary documents.

      Documents needed

      Application for disclosure, etc. (PDF)
      A public document identifying a person as the owner of the requested information (or the agent of the information owner) must be presented.

      Power of attorney (PDF)

      Public documents used for personal identification (PDF)

      JPY1,100 as a fee (including Japan consumption tax) shall be charged for handling a request for the notice or disclosure of the purpose of use. (If sent by postal mail, cash registered mail should be used.)

    2. Mailing address for request forms
      8-1 Sanbancho, Sanbancho Tokyu Building 7F,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0075, Japan
      Telecom Square, Inc.
      Personal Information Service Desk.
      (It will take approximately two weeks to complete processing a request after receiving it.)
    3. Personal Information obtained through processing a disclosure request
      Personal Information obtained through processing a disclosure request shall be handled only within the scope of its necessity.

Telecom Square, Inc. has acquired 'Privacy Mark' that certifies operators who handle personal information properly by the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC).

privacy mark

This document was prepared in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes only. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.